aadhar is an Indian charitable trust operates and acts as a collaborator and facilitator among artisan communities, individuals, public and private organisations.

Our Focus



Research is essential to get correct information of the subject which one wants to work to make a constructive change for.



Documentation along with the research is essential as it lets the completed work to reach to the interested and/or targeted audiences (individuals & organisations).



Promotion in its broader meaning to us is to share the information, and also inspire, educate and encourage people to utilise the information for contributing towards revival of Indian Heritage Arts.

Our Initiatives

Heritage Archive
Heritage Film Festival
Explore Ahmedabad Arts
Traditional Beadwork
Traditional Pottery
Chalo Charkho Ramiye
Yarn Makers Guild India
Museums of Ahmedabad
Media for Artisans

Our Events

Our Stories

कलाकार / कारीगर को कभी ग़रीब मत समझो / कहो,
उनके पास वह पूंजी हे जो धन कभी भी नही खरीद सकता |